Aap Ba Din
菜單方面以「總廚發辦」為主 。根據當日菜市場的材料新鮮度和季節性食材供應情況設計菜式,確保客人能夠享用到最新鮮和最美味的佳餚。
我們會預先為顧客製訂菜單, 如有任何食材上需求歡迎隨時告知 。
午市 每位港幣 $580 + 10% 起
晚市 每位港幣 $1,280 + 10% 起
除以上價目外, 如客人有其他價錢預算歡迎與我們團隊聯繫, 我們會盡力配合,務求令每位客人能夠感受到貼心的服務。
AAP BA DIN has been committed to providing high-quality food and beverage services, and one of its impressive features is the chef team's adherence to the "freshness first" philosophy, ensuring that guests taste the freshest and most delicious dishes.
The menu items are mainly based on the freshness and seasonal availability of ingredients in the daily market, ensuring that guests can enjoy the freshest and most delicious cuisine. We will prepare a menu in advance for customers and welcome any requests for ingredients.
The menu prices are as follows:
Lunch: HKD $580 + 10% per person
Dinner: HKD $1,280 + 10% per person
In addition to the above prices, if customers have other budget requirements, please contact our team, and we will do our best to accommodate and provide every guest with attentive service.
We also specially designed an a la carte take-out menu, providing take-out self-service. Customers can select their favorite dishes according to their own tastes and preferences and enjoy the same high-quality dining experience.
If you have any questions or needs regarding the dishes and services, please feel free to contact our team, and we will provide you with the best quality service.